The newly renovated clubroom is ideal for hosting larger corporate and private events, such as weddings. The building has a capacity of up to 150 people. It is equipped with a projector and screen, tables and chairs for 100 people, and a kitchenette with a dishwasher, refrigerator, and tap system. Two party tents and a pier over the pond are located in close proximity to the clubroom and can also be rented (see below).

The building includes public restrooms and a bar that serves the public. The bar is not included in the rental.

Note: You must bring your own dishes.

Come to Stříbrný rybník

  • Camp Stříbrný rybník
  • Lhotecká 183/95; Malšova Lhota 500 09 Hradec Králové
  • GPS: 50°12'11.91"N 15°53'39.98"E - tips for trips Decathlon
Kemp roku - Královehradecký kraj - 3.místo - 2022
Kemp roku - TOP 50 - 2022