Wood animals 4,2 km
Giant aquarium 4,7 km, 11 min
TOBOGA Tongo Children's Game Room in Hradec Králové 10,4 km, 18 min
Zoopark Stěžery 14 km, 19 min
Kunětická Hora Castle a Gingerbread Cottage 23 km, 26 min
Lumpárium Children’s Game Room in Pardubice 25 km, 23 min
Biopark Štít 39,5 km, 33 min
Zoo Dvůr Králové nad Labem 43 km, 48 min
The length of the route in kilometres and minutes (by car) is measured according to the mapy.cz server.
If the driving time is not indicated, it is a route along forest roads where car entry is prohibited.